
Better Search Place

Apr 22, 2022

Optimized Place Searching

Searching Place not restrict by city anymore, you may search by country now. Better search result now.

Redesign Explore

Redesigned Explore, switch easily between Map and Post. Added new highlight section, feature explorer's creations.

Optimize the Experience Labeling

Less wording limit on Experience, Able to add more label.

The Others

  • Enhanced search experience
  • Modify creation step, naming before create.
  • Added:Back to current location button.
  • Double tap navigation bar back to top.
  • Back to map while viewing multi place infomation
  • Sorted navigation menu. For you to quick access creation.
    5.Optimized Community Management.

Thanks for these explorer provide us valuable feedback:
@杰里开 @cici @costa1860 @JJ @menmens @Roger @Gaga_monitoring @chenchen @CLU
