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Exping is a ultimate map marking tool designed for creators. Whether you're traveling, working, hiking, or embarking on exciting road trips, Exping is your all-in-one solution for location-based needs. Capture, annotate, and share your favorite places on the map while meeting various map creation requirements. Unleash your creativity and embark on a journey of exploration and experience.


Creation: Create and manage your map

  1. Import your “Guide” from Apple Maps 「Guides」or Google Maps「Saved Places」
  2. Create a new map
  3. Map Sorting
  4. Change map cover
  5. Share Map
  6. More
  7. View your map insights

Explore: Browse community creator’s map. Get inspiration from others

  1. Notification Center
  2. Maps/Explorers Search
  3. Explore exping Featured Maps
  4. Browse maps created by other creators.

Profile: Personal Profile

  1. Check and Subscribe exp+
  2. Settings
  3. Edit profile
  4. View collected map, places
  5. Published Map


Features Introduction
Mark Places Effortlessly mark any location on the map. Simply search or long-press to drop a pin, and customize it by adding emojis or images. Make your mark memorable by including personalized notes and vibrant tags. Gain multidimensional insights through visual reviews with radar charts, giving your map a dynamic and engaging touch.
Routes Plan multiple routes within a single map. Seamlessly switch between different modes of transportation and view distances and travel times between any two places. Take control of your journeys and navigate with confidence using our intuitive route planning tools.
Sharing by Poster Share your maps, routes, and cherished locations using our diverse selection of poster templates. Tailor the dimensions, add stickers, and choose the perfect background to create visually stunning representations of your adventures. Inspire others and make an impact with your shared maps.
Quick Link Access essential information with ease. Add links, phone numbers, emails, and text for any location. Streamline your navigation experience with one-click actions, allowing you to quickly dial phone numbers, launch apps, or copy text. Enjoy seamless connectivity and efficient access to important details.
Group Organize and manage your locations and routes. Create multiple groups within a single map to classify and customize your content. Dive into thematic mapping and create maps that tell captivating stories. Experience rich thematic content creation and take your map customization to new heights.
Insights After sharing or published map, you can learn about your map through the "Data Insights", "Browsing Trends", "Traffic Sources" and "User Distribution" , etc.
Collaboration Invite friends to join in map creation, real-time collaborate editing map, sharing same view with among multiple people, etc.